Αγαπητοί-ές Συνάδελφοι Αγγλικών,
Τα μέλη τα Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου σας ευχόμαστε Χαρούμενο και Δημιουργικό το 2012 και σας καλούμε στην πρώτη εκδήλωση του έτους για την ετήσια Κοπή Βασιλόπιτας της Ένωσης που θα πραγματοποιηθεί
την Κυριακή 12 Φεβρουαρίου 5:30-8:30 μ.μ.
στην αίθουσα συνεστιάσεων του Elpida Resort Hotel
Πρόγραμμα εκδήλωσης
- 5:00-5:45 Προσέλευση-Εγγραφές
- 5:45 Έναρξη Εκδήλωσης - 1ο μέρος
Επιμόρφωση για το βιβλίο της Γ' Δημοτικού Magic Book στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος ΕΣΠΑ: "Νέες Πολιτικές Ξενόγλωσσης Εκπαίδευσης στο Σχολείο: Η Εκμάθηση της Αγγλικής σε Πρώιμη Παιδική Ηλικία".
Εισηγήτρια Κα Έλενα Σωφρονιάδου
English Language Teaching Theatre with Dave'n'Luke « Hard Times»
(a one act play and 3 short sketches)
1. Me and Him
2. The Bank Robber
3. The Water Bill
4. The Speaking Test
by Dr. Luke Prodromou and David Gibson
Discussion about using drama with schoolchildren as a way of improving their language competence, cultural knowledge and their awareness of the world they live in plus an extract from a DVD of kids performing a show.
Κατά τη διάρκεια της εκδήλωσης, θα τιμήσουμε και θα αποχαιρετήσουμε τον αγαπητό σε όλους Σχολικό Σύμβουλο Θεόδωρο Σκενδέρη και μέλη της Ένωσης που συνταξιοδοτήθηκαν.
Υπενθυμίζουμε στα εγγεγραμμένα μέλη την ετήσια συνδρομή για την Ένωση, που μειώνεται σε 10 € για το 2012 και ελπίζουμε στην εγγραφή νέων μελών για να ενισχύσουμε το έργο της .
Το πρόγραμμα της εκδήλωσης θα τηρηθεί αυστηρά και απευθύνεται σε μέλη της Ένωσης και σε όσους συναδέλφους επιθυμούν να εγγραφούν !!!
Λίγα λόγια για τους εισηγητές:
Έλενα Σωφρονιάδου συνάδελφος Αγγλικής στην Α/θμια Εκπαίδευση ( 3ο Πειραματικό Αγγλικής Ευόσμου εδώ και 4 χρόνια) και μέλος της συγγραφικής ομάδας του βιβλίου της Γ΄ Δημοτικού. Κάτοχος Μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου Θεωρητικής και Εφαρμοσμένης Γλωσσολογίας του Αγγλικού Τμήματος του ΑΠΘ.
Dr. Luke Prodromou is a freelance teacher, teacher-trainer and materials writer. Bristol University in English with Greek / MA in Shakespeare Studies (Birmingham University) a Diploma in TEFL (Leeds University) and a Ph.D (Nottingham University).
David Gibson awarded five diplomas by the universities of Nottingham, Bristol, and Cambridge .Teacher of English as a Foreign Language in private schools/ Teacher-Trainer and Coordinator with the British Council.
Προς τους Εκπ/κούς Α/θμιας Εκπ/σης
Παρακαλούμε για τη δική σας διευκόλυνση και ενημέρωση να αποστείλετε τυχόν ερωτήματα προς την κα Σωφρονιάδου σχετικά με τη δομή ή τη διδασκαλία του Magic Book της Γ’ Δημοτικού και οτιδήποτε άλλο σας προβληματίζει αλλά και θετικά σχόλια, παρατηρήσεις, αντιδράσεις μαθητών στα γνωστά mails των μελών του Συλλόγου ως τις 10 Φεβρουαρίου, ώστε να απαντηθούν πιο οργανωμένα. Ευχαριστούμε!
Πρόεδρος : Δράμπα Σουζάνα/2321054455/6976622491
Αντιπρόεδρος: Γκένιου Δώρα / 6974490453 d.gkeniou@gmail.com
Γραμματέας: Τσακίρδαη Ελπίδα / 6948510211 tsakirdai@hotmail.com
Ταμίας: Πάνου Ελευθερία / 6945989778 elpanou@sch.gr
Τακτικό Μέλος: Χρηστίδου Δέσποινα / 6946334868 despinach@yahoo.com
Αναπληρωματικά Μέλη: Καρυοφύλλη Ελένη / 6974993954 elkariof@yahoo.gr
και Καλαϊτζή Κων/να / 6978003562
Who are Dave’n’Luke?
David Gibson and Luke Prodromou first performed together in the 1980s as part of the Bits and Pieces Theatre Group and the Teachers and Students English Language Theatre Group, based at the British Council, Thessaloniki. These groups wrote and performed their own sketches in co-operation with students and also put on works from the modern British theatre repertoire (Pinter, Aykbourn, Stoppard).
The group published a book of 10 sketches with exercises for the classroom (Bit and Pieces, Collins).
In August 2010, Dave and Luke re-formed as Dave’n’Luke and aimed to put on shows for students, teachers and the general public in co-operation with TESOL Macedonia-Thrace and the Disabled Access Friendly Campaign, based in Thessaloniki.
Our aim is to entertain and instruct through the performance of accessible texts in English. We hope to encourage teachers to do drama activities with their students. Some of our work is designed to provoke discussion in the classroom (Me and Him, The Wheelchair etc) and to raise awareness of the world we live in.
So far, we have performed for:
TESOL Macedonia-Thrace (twice)
TESOL Greece (twice)
PALSO Northern Greece (three times)
State School Teachers of Northern Greece
Anatolia School
Pinewood School (twice)
IWOG (International Women’s Organisation of Greece).
Our sketches include: the Driving Test, The Water Bill, the Bank Robber, The Customs Officer. The Wheelchair, The Speaking Test, The Ticket Inspector and the Psychiatrist. We have also performed a one act play Me and Him by David Campton.
All our texts are in simple but natural language.
Future plans include evenings dedicated to work by modern British playwrights (eg Pinter, Beckett) and classics such as Shakespeare and Dickens.
Dr. Luke Prodromou is a freelance teacher, teacher-trainer and materials writer.
Luke graduated from Bristol University in English with Greek and has an MA in Shakespeare Studies (Birmingham University) a Diploma in TEFL (Leeds University) and a Ph.D (Nottingham University). He is the co-author of Dealing with Difficulties (Winner of the Ben Warren Prize).
He is the author of English as a Lingua Franca, based on his PhD and co-author of Dealing with Difficulties (Winner of the Ben Warren Prize). He is a member of a Greek theatre group (composed mostly of unruly women) and is one half of the Dave’n’Luke English Language Theatre group. He is also a member of the Disabled Access-Friendly campaign.
He wrote Smash (Macmillan). His latest coursebook is Flash on (for Italy).
David Gibson was born in Northern England in 1947 and began teaching in 1964. His five diplomas were awarded by the universities of Nottingham, Bristol, and Cambridge and he taught in England in junior and secondary schools for 15 years. He came to Greece in 1979 and taught English as a Foreign Language in private schools before joining the British Council in Thessaloniki in 1987. There, he taught English Language and Literature, was a Teacher-Trainer, and served as the Coordinator of Student Social and Cultural Activities.
In 1995, he took up a post as teacher of English Language and Literature at Pinewood International Schools, Thessaloniki, becoming the Chairman of the English Department in 1999. At Pinewood, he also coached three football teams, ran Guitar Clubs and School Bands, and was involved in a wide variety of other school activities and events.
David has worked for Cambridge ESOL for more than twenty years, as an Oral Examiner, Team Leader, Supervisor, Seminar Presenter, and Inspector, and is a founder - and current - board member of TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, Northern Greece, being a regular speaker and active participant in conventions and similar events.
In June 2008, he retired from full-time teaching in order to concentrate on other projects, but has continued to work with Pinewood students – coaching football, playing guitar with them, encouraging them to read and to write … and to watch birds.
David Gibson is also one half of the two-man English Teaching Theatre Group “Dave’n’Luke” - with Luke Prodromou.